surferosa13 has just signed up. Say hello!
- Sep 23, 2022
49 year old man, who sails mainly in Fryslân (NW Netherlands) and Zeeland (SW Netherlands). Working as energy and CO2 expert for industry.
Looking for a sail partner and possibly more.
I am open to relocate during summer or other holidays.
Interested in sailing in Danmark and of the coast of Stockholm.
Windsurfer (up to high windspeeds)
- Lemsteraak, Tjalk, ... (Historic fishing and freight boat of Fryslân)
- FOX22, Beneteau First (Rental boats)
- 470, 490 (Long time ago)
No experience with ocean crossing trips but swift learner...
Thinking of buying a small boat to sail Oosterschelde, Grevelingen, .... Maybe I can find a partner to do so here.