- Aug 18, 2019
- Profile Information
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 61
- Location:
- Nadi, Western, Fiji Islands
- Here for:
- Dating, Friendship, Crew
- About Me:
I'm a New Zealander who spends summer in the Mediterranean then heads South to NZ in the winter for summer there.
Will that was correct prior to COVID.
Have spent the last year sailing from Greece to NZ. Currently in Fiji.
I try to have crew aboard as much as possible. It's good being able to experience new places in the company of others.
Have been single for a few years now and would be great to have a partner who is interested in sailing and adventure! - Sailing Experience:
Started sailing as kid at local yacht club.
Sailed the Pacific single handed. Plus numerous trips in South Pacific.
Been sailing in the Mediterranean now for 3 summers. With a year gap in Eygpt, Red sea. - Sailing Qualifications:
RYA Day Skipper, RYA Yachmaster theory, RYA International Competent Command.
MSROC VHF license. - Nautical Miles Logged:
- 15000 plus. Never tallied it up to be honest.
- Occupation:
- Sailor