- Apr 6, 2021
- Profile Information
- Gender:
- Woman
- Age:
- 70
- Location:
- Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
- Here for:
- Dating, Friendship, Crew
- About Me:
Fit and enthusiastic lady, with a love of classic boats and cars. Seeks adventure. Have worked hard in a technical sales environment for most of my working life, including working for Blakes marine paints. I now have time to explore and enjoy myself. It would be nice to share my experiences with a soul mate, after all, to share is to double the pleasure.
I've had a full life. I've done motor racing, been a livaboard for a few years, jumped outmof a plane on my own ( with a parachute ) Travelled to wonderful parts of the world and been privileged to meet some of the wonderful people. Love the outside life and particularly anything connected with water. I also love music, can move me to tears. Live music is a passion. I love fresh air, Southern Comfort, classic cars, chocolate, sunsets and soft sand, forests, blue steak, unspoilt views, preferably with water in them. making new friends, birdsong, love the warm sun on my bare back and a plan in my head. I hate marzipan, parking wardens, bad table manners, litter, shopping, overpopulation, stupidity, waste, cruelty, plastic and butter beans. - Sailing Experience:
Have been boating all my life. Taught myself to sail and have lived aboard a yacht cruising the Med for 5 years. Have sailed across the channel a dozen times single handed. I have a yacht in Greece and a motor boat on the Tamar.
- Sailing Qualifications:
RYA Offshore. ICC.
- Nautical Miles Logged:
- 1000s
- Occupation:
- Retired
- Home and family
- Orientation:
- Heterosexual
- Marital status:
- Single
- Have Children:
- No
- Lifestyle
- Smoking:
- Never
- Drinking:
- Socially
- Appearance
- Body type:
- Average
- Height:
- 5'4" - 5'7" (161 - 170cm)
- Eyes:
- Hazel
- Hair:
- Red
Timeline activity
- Oct 10, 2020
- Sep 6, 2020
- Jul 1, 2020