Here are just a few of the crewing opportunities October 2021 that have been posted on Lovesail. For more details log into your Lovesail account and go to the Crewing and Sailing Events section. If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then take a look at our site. We are the premier dating and social networking site for yachtsmen and yachtswomen.
Crewing Posts June 2021 From the Lovesail Members.
Here is a taster of just some of the crewing posts June 2021 that the members have posted. To view more log into your Lovesail account and click/tap on the Crewing and Sailing Events section. If you are not a member of Lovesail then come and take a look.We are a dating and social networking site for single sailors. Meet other like-minded sailing soul mates from around the world.
Crewing Posts Spring 2021
Here are just a few of the recent crewing opportunities for Spring 2021 that have been posted on Lovesail by the members. To see these and other log into your account and go the Sailing and Crewing Events Section.
Crewing Opportunities Winter 2020 – Here are a few of our top picks from the crewing section on Lovesail. If you are interested in any of the posts then log into your Lovesail account and either go to the crewing section or contact the member directly.
Here are just some of the crewing opportunities winter 2019 that have been posted by the Lovesail members recently. If you would like more details then just log into your Lovesail account and click on the Sailing and Crewing Events page. If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then come and take a look at our friendly sailing community.
Member Crewing Events in July 2019
Here are a few of the crewing posts that have been posted by the Lovesail members. Click on the title to view crewing events in July 2019 or visit the crewing section of the site for more details and other posts. If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then why not join and have a look around.
Crewing Events in June 2019
Here are a few of the crewing events in June 2019 that the Lovesail members have posted recently. For more details of these crewing events in June 2019 or other events just log into your account and click on the crewing section
Sailing to Portugal 8 weeks coast hopping
Aureil is looking for one competent crew member to help on a one way trip to Portugal.
Crewing Events May 2019
There has been a bit of a flurry of new crewing events and opportunities posted over the last week, so here is a rundown of just a few crewing events may 2019 the Lovesail members have added. For more opportunities then log into your Lovesail account and visit the crewing section:
Here a just a few of the crewing events for May 2019 that have been posted on the Lovesail crewing section. To find out more details of these and other events then log into your account and click on the Crewing and Sailing Events section. If you are not a member of Lovesail then do come and have a look at our friendly sailing community.
Crewing Posts Autumn 2018
Here are just some of the crewing posts that Lovesail members have posted, crewing posts Autumn 2018 If you are interested in the post just log into your Lovesail account and visit the Crewing Groups Section. If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then why not take a look.