blistering barnacles

Blistering Barnacles!

Top ten facts you probably didn’t know about barnacles.

Blistering Barnacles!  The bane of many a seafarer, the humble barnacle is responsible for a multi-billion dollar biofoul industry.  Here are some unusual facts about this tenacious crustacean.

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Hull Bio-Fouling and Its Treatment

What is Bio-Fouling?

Vessel hulls need protection against the attachment of marine organisms such as barnacles and algae. The presence of these unwanted passengers is known as bio-fouling. Bio-fouling negatively affects the hydrodynamics of the hull by increasing drag and consequently, it requires increases in engine effort to maintain propulsion speed. This inefficiency increases fuel costs, with estimates as much as an additional 40% and more. Vessels will also require regular hull cleaning at considerable cost.

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