
The Origins of Gin

Popular among the sailing fraternity a gin and tonic has graced many a cockpit after a hard day racing around the cans.  What are the origins of gin and why is gin so popular?


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yacht rock

Yacht Rock

What is Yacht Rock?

Up until a year ago, I hadn’t even heard of Yacht Rock.  This may be due to my age (I was still listening to Disney soundtracks in the mid-70’s!), but I had to investigate, it sounded intriguing.

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freshwater under the oceans

Freshwater under the Oceans

Freshwater under the Oceans


Some areas of the world have alarming levels of freshwater scarcity. Such locations are known to suffer severe droughts. Some soils that used to be highly fertile have also been reduced to deserts due to the lack of adequate fresh water. However, there is freshwater under the oceans, wells under the sea bed could hold the key to averting a water crisis.

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SailGP Yacht Racing


What is SailGP?

SailGP is a yacht racing league using foiling catamarans.  Professional racing teams compete against each other at different locations around the world.  This year is the inaugural year and 8 teams are competing in Sydney Australia, San Francisco USA, New York USA, Cowes UK and Marseille France. 

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crewing posts july 2019

Crewing Events in July 2019

Member Crewing Events in July 2019

Here are a few of the crewing posts that have been posted by the Lovesail members.  Click on the title to view crewing events in July 2019 or visit the crewing section of the site for more details and other posts.  If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then why not join and have a look around.

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greek quesadilla

Greek Quesadilla

Greek Quesadilla – Galley Recipe


Skippetydoodah has sent in a recipe for Greek Quesadilla, a delicious twist on the popular Mexican dish.

Skippetydoodah is a private chef and qualified yacht chef (available for hire) who has cooked in villas and on boats. She is an experienced ocean sailor with 27,000 miles behind her including a transit and lots of crewing and racing. One of her cheffing jobs was on a charter yacht in the Western Isles in Scotland in horrific weather for 5 months where she was cooking regularly in F8s and 9s – and once in a F11.  Over to Skippetydoodah….

Quesadilla – kay-sa-deeah – try saying that when you have spent all evening in the pub!!!

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explore dream discover

Explore Dream Discover

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Many of you will be familiar with these three words.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.  They are taken from the end of a quote that is attributed to Mark Twain.  I see it a lot.  It’s a very popular quote and one which adorns the profile of many a sailor on Lovesail.  Here is the quote in its entirety:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

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lovesail member blogs

Lovesail Member Blogs

Quite of few of the Lovesail members are prolific writers, here are a few of the blog posts that have been added recently:

Catalina Aftermath….and women who fix sh*t by sailingsideways

Great trip to Two Harbors on Catalina Island. Now, whenever you use your ( or I use mine) boat and take it out for a day or two there is always a fix-it list upon return. So mine is:

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crewing events in june 2019

Crewing Events in June 2019

Crewing Events in June 2019

Here are a few of the crewing events in June 2019 that the Lovesail members have posted recently.  For more details of these crewing events in June 2019 or other events just log into your account and click on the crewing section

Sailing to Portugal 8 weeks coast hopping

Aureil is looking for one competent crew member to help on a one way trip to Portugal.

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no bake rocky road

Sailing Snacks – Rocky Road

Rocky Road – Sailing Snacks

Of all my favourite sailing snacks the one I will always try and pop into my bag is rocky road.  This is easy to make, either at home or on the boat, and requires no baking just some melting of ingredients on the stove.  Marshmallows may not be a staple of your boat’s store cupboard but they are light (could be used as packing!) and will last pretty much forever, so could easily be added to your provisioning list.  You could also substitute your favourite nuts, for raisins or anything you want to really into this recipe.

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