Single on Valentine’s Day?

Ideas for a solo Valentine’s Day

Love it or loathe it Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us again.  It may just pass by without you giving it a second thought or it may hang around and remind you of your single status and wanting to find your soulmate.

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Lonely Rock Race

Lonely Rock Race – 16th August 2020


The Royal Western Yacht Club of England based in Plymouth in association with the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in Ryde on the Isle of Wight has announced a new race for the offshore racing calendar.  This new biennial race, the Lonely Rock Race, will run on alternate years to the RORC Fastnet Race and is in no way meant to compete with the Fastnet Race.

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Sailing Charities in the UK

A list of smaller sailing charities in the UK

sailing charities in the uk

With the New Year comes thoughts of resolutions and goals.  One of mine is to try some voluntary work this year.  Whilst I’m not an expert sailor I’m sure I can offer some skills and if nothing else I can make a mean cup of char.  Whilst looking for a suitable charity to approach I realised just how many sailing charities there are in the UK.  A quick search of google brings back 17.5 million results for sailing charities UK alone.  Many are small operations without famous figures heads or huge marketing budgets, so I thought it would be a lovely idea to raise awareness for some of the smaller operations out there that may not be on your radar.

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january boat shows

January Boat Shows

January Boat Shows around the World

At this time of year, thoughts will inevitably turn to boat shows and the London Boat Show in particular.  However, this boat show is no more, has ceased to be, and is an ex-boat-show.   Here is a list of just some of the larger boat shows with a sailing element that you could attend in January to get the year off to a cracking start.

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vhf radio course

VHF Radio Course

RYA – Marine Radio Short Range Certificate Course

I recently decided to attend an RYA VHF Radio Course to obtain my radio operator’s licence.  The reason for this was three-fold.

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linguine with clams

Linguine with Clams

Galley Recipe – Linguine with Clams


Lovesail member and woman sailor sailingsideways has sent in this delicious galley recipe that she cooks whilst living aboard her Cal39.  This quick and simple recipe will make a delicious and nutritious meal after a busy day out cruising the Californian coast.

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sea shanty

The History of the Sea Shanty

Where did the sea shanty originate?

A shanty is a rhythmic work song, sung by labourers as they work in large groups at hard, repetitive work.  The sea shanty was a song used by sailors as they went about their work onboard a ship.

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faraway islands

Faraway Islands Sailing Trip

Faraway Island Sailing Trip – October 2019

I’m a bit behind with the blogging this month due to a two-week sailing trip in the Ionian.  Part of the trip included a few days in the Faraway Islands north of Corfu, Greece.

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