lovesail user blogs

Lovesail User Blogs

Lovesail User Blog Extracts

As a Paying Member of Lovesail members can keep blogs on their account.   Here are a few examples of just a few of the Lovesail User Blogs that members have submitted…

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seasickness remedies

Seasickness Remedies

Seasickness Remedies


If you suffer from seasickness whilst aboard a boat, it can be very debilitating to the extent that safety can be compromised. Some of the signs that you may be about to succumb are pale skin, cold sweat, dizziness, yawning, increased saliva production and hence increased swallowing, and lastly vomiting (obviously!).  Here are a few seasickness remedies which may guard against this awful predicament.

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lovesail crewing posts

Lovesail Crewing Posts

Lovesail Crewing Posts – Some of the Latest Posts

Just a few of the recent Lovesail crewing posts in our crewing section, both members looking for crewing posts or crewing posts offered.  If you would like any more details about any of these Lovesail crewing posts then log into your Lovesail account and click on the crewing link at the top of the page.  If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then come aboard!

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baja haha cruisers rally

Baja HaHa Cruisers Rally

Baja HaHa Cruisers Rally

The Baja HaHa Cruisers Rally is an exciting sailing event that takes place every year in the month of October. The race runs from San Diego all the way to Cabo San Lucas and there are stops at both Turtle Bay and Bahia Santa Maria. Consequently, the race has three legs, with the first being approximately 360 miles, the second 240 miles and the third 180 miles.

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best sailing blogs

Best Sailing Blogs

The Best Sailing Blogs – Top 5

What makes the best sailing blogs? Inspirational stories, good writing, fantastic photography, insightful tips, how-to guides and, of course, regular updates. Here is a list of 5 of the best sailing blogs on the internet (in no particular order) which do all of these things and more:

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volvo ocean race 2014/2015

Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015

Volvo Ocean Race


The Volvo Ocean Race is held every 3 or 4 years and has been through many a name change.  This sailing race around the world was originally known as the Whitbread Round the World Race and started in 1973.

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extreme sailing series nice

Extreme Sailing Series Nice

Extreme Sailing Series Nice – Penultimate Act

The penultimate act of the Extreme Sailing Series Nice runs from 2nd October until 5th October 2014.  Nice, situated between Monaco and Cannes on the French Cote d’Azur and a popular tourist destination, has the most exceptional Mediterranean climate.

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Grace Darling

Grace Darling was the daughter of William Darling, a lighthouse keeper who was in the employ of Trinity House. Grace grew up with her family on the Northumberland coast and lived first in Brownsman Lighthouse.  In 1826 the family moved to the newly build Longstone Lighthouse, and it was here she become one of Victorian Englands greatest heroines.

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extreme sailing series istanbul

Extreme Sailing Series Istanbul

Extreme Sailing Series Istanbul – Act 6

Act 6 – Extreme Sailing Series Istanbul.  The 12 international teams will be descending on Istanbul between the 11th and 14th September 214.  The largest city in Turkey, and once the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul makes a stunning backdrop for the extreme sailing event.

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