speed dating in salisbury

Speed Dating in Salisbury

Speed Dating in Salisbury for the New Year

Chris Stanbury, a friend of Lovesail, is running a charity speed dating event in Salisbury in the New Year.  He is offering two FREE tickets to the first man and women that sign up before Monday 12th January.  Just contact him using the details below and quote the code LOVESAIL.

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drones and sailing

Drones and Sailing

Drones and Sailing

Drones are making headlines at the moment and for all the wrong reasons, but as we know good news doesn’t sell and the media tends to shy away from reporting on the benefits of new technology preferring instead to generate alarm.

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extreme sailing series sydney

Extreme Sailing Series Sydney

Extreme Sailing Series Sydney, Australia

The final act of the Extreme Sailing Series will be held in Sydney, Australia.  The final venue is unique in that double points are up for grabs so theoretically 5 teams are capable of winning a position on the podium.  The race takes place from 11th to 14th December 2014.

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salon nautique de paris

Salon Nautique International De Paris

Salon Nautique International de Paris

Otherwise known as The Paris International Boat Show or Nautic Paris, The Salon Nautique International De Paris runs from 3rd to 11th December 2016.  This annual event is held at the Paris Expo, Porte De Versailles, the exhibition site situated on the South West outskirts of Paris.

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boat jumbles 2015

Boat Jumbles 2015

Boat Jumbles 2015 List

Here is the list for all the Boat Jumbles 2015 around the UK.  Unless otherwise stated the jumbles start at 10:00 am and run until around 3:00 pm.  The list will continue to be updated as more dates are confirmed.

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november crewing posts

November Crewing Posts

November Crewing Posts From Lovesail

Here are just some of the November crewing posts from the Lovesail members.  If you are interested in any of the posts then just log into your Lovesail account and click the “Crewing” link at the top of the page.  If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then visit our home page and join this sailing community for dating, friendships and crewing opportunities.

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fair weather sailor

Fair Weather Sailors

Fair Weather Sailors – Why we need a few more.

As the name suggests, a fair-weather sailor is someone who usually only goes sailing when the weather is good and they have plenty of time to enjoy the experience. Fairweather sailors are often looked down on by other sailors and accused of not being committed to sailing and the lifestyle that goes with it.

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route du rhum

Route du Rhum

Route du Rhum 2014

The Route du Rhum is a gruelling transatlantic solo race that sets off from St Malo, in Brittany, France and finishes in Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, a distance of just over 3500 miles.

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