liberty ships

Liberty Ships

What were Liberty Ships?


Liberty Ships were mass-produced cargo ships built during World War II to give the Allies much-needed merchant tonnage (the weight of the cargo of a merchant ship). Of the 2,710 Liberty Ships built during the war years 1941 to 1945, over 2,400 survived the conflict.

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sailing origami

Sailing Origami

What is origami?  Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes and sculptures.  It comes from the words ori meaning folding and kami meaning paper.  Origami has been practiced in Japan since the 6th century as a ceremonial practice.  It is also said that origami gifts would be given by Samurais to each other as a good luck token to guard against any future dangers they may encounter.  It wasn’t until the Edo period (1603–1867) when it was used for leisure and as a form of art.  In Origami square pieces of paper are used, plain on one side and patterned on the other.

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winter crewing posts 2017

Winter Crewing Posts 2017

Here is a round-up of some of the Winter crewing posts 2017 from Lovesail members.  If you would like to muster more details just log into your Lovesail account and visit the crewing section.  If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then come and have a look at the site, it might just be what you are looking for.

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ss richard montgomery

SS Richard Montgomery

Historical Background of the SS Richard Montgomery


Launched on the 15th June 1943, the SS Richard Montgomery was built during World War II as an American Liberty Ship.

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marine mammals research association expedition

Marine Mammals Research Association Expedition

Marine Mammals Research Association Expedition 2018

One of the Lovesail members, Indigo Blue, is lucky enough to be involved with the Marine Mammals Research Association Expedition next year.  His yacht, Chance Discovery a Discovery 55, is used for the expedition trips which aim to study marine mammals, their main threats and possible ways to help protect their vulnerable world in the Mediterranean.

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boat jumble dates 2018

Boat Jumble Dates 2018

Boat Jumble Dates 2018

Here are the Boat Jumble Dates 2018 for the UK. If you want to add your boat jumble to this list then just send the date and location to and we will add it to the list.

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Lifting a boat

Lifting a Boat

Lifting a boat is a task that comes round periodically, often from the Autumn onwards.  However, for those who have not done it before it may be a bit of a mystery.  Here are an explanation and some tips.

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The Cutty Sark

Britain has a long and proud history as a great shipbuilding and seafaring nation. One of its most notable and famous old ships is the tea clipper, The Cutty Sark.

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drake passage

Drake Passage

Drake Passage

You may have heard of the Drake Passage, which is one of the most feared stretches of water in the world. But it is also one of the most special and is, in fact, the only unhindered ocean area on the planet.

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