port royal

Port Royal – Pirate Paradise

Port Royal – “the wickedest city on earth”

Sailing into the clear blue waters of Jamaica’s Kingston Harbour, Port Royal comes immediately into view. It’s hard to imagine that this quiet Caribbean village was once regarded as one of the largest cities on earth. In the late seventeenth century its alleyways and taverns rang incessantly with the riotous behaviour of some of the most vicious pirates and notorious privateers of the era.

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nautical phrases

Nautical Phrases in Everyday Use

Nautical Phrases in Everyday Use

There are an inordinate amount of nautical phrases in everyday use.  Here are just a few:

Faffing About

One of my favourite expressions is often used whilst waiting for slow children (now in their 20’s but still slow!) to hurry up and leave the house.  This was a term used to describe the wind when it blew in flaws.  A flaw is an unexpected gust of wind.  It was said to faff about and thus faffing about is used to describe aimless behaviour.

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Crewing Events May 2019

Crewing Events May 2019

There has been a bit of a flurry of new crewing events and opportunities posted over the last week, so here is a rundown of just a few crewing events may 2019 the Lovesail members have added.  For more opportunities then log into your Lovesail account and visit the crewing section:

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Galley Recipe – Red Flannel Hash

Galley Recipe – Red Flannel Hash

This galley recipe – Red Flannel Hash originates from New England and the name refers to the red and white plaid cloth that is popular in that part of the world.  It was traditionally a breakfast using up the leftovers from the previous evening’s meal and has many variations. The main ingredients are corned beef, potatoes and beetroot, yes beetroot.  An unusual addition I hear you cry, but it works surprising well.  The potatoes and corned beef will be a cheap staple on any provisioning list and because this is a left-overs recipe then you could add anything that needs using up in the galley.  With the added bonus of being quick to make this is one of those one-pot recipes that will be used again and again.

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sea quotes

Sea Quotes

Sea Quotes – Quotes inspired by the sea

Here are some quotes relating to the sea and sailing.  Be inspired to throw off those bowlines, sail away from that safe harbour and Explore.  Dream.  Discover.

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free wifi

When Free Wifi Becomes Expensive

When Free Wifi Becomes Expensive

There was a time when it was difficult to find free wifi and we struggled to get online whilst out and about.  I remember having to constantly seek out McDonalds whilst touring the US in an RV just so that I could download maps.  Now you can’t go 10 yards without your phone searching for the next available public network.   But how safe is public/free wifi?

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Northwood Park Boat and Boot Jumble

Northwood Park Boat and Boot Jumble, Cowes

I wanted to give this boat jumble a special mention as it’s the first one they have held here and it’s to raise money for restoration work to Northwood House and Park, Cowes, Isle of Wight.

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crewing events spring 2019

Crewing Events Spring 2019

crewing events spring 2019

Crewing Events Spring 2019 – From Lovesail Members

Here are a few of the crewing events Spring 2019 that have been posted on Lovesail. To view these and more log into your account and go to the Crewing and Sailing Events section. If you are not a member you can still view these events by visiting our home page and clicking on the link at the top of the page.


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