Winter Crewing Posts 2021
Winter Crewing Posts 2021
Here are just some of the Winter crewing posts 2021 that the Lovesail members have posted. For more posts or to contact these members just log in to your Lovesail account and click on the Crewing and Sailing Events section. If you don’t have an account on Lovesail then come and take a look. We are a dating and social networking site for yachtsmen and women. Join our friendly sailing community for dating, friendships and crewing opportunities.
Sailing Gold Coast to Cairns
Lovesail Member: Tonydee
Dates: March 2022 for around 2 months
Crew Wanted
Location: Gold Coast, Australia
Sailing Gold Coast to Cairns for over 2 months or more, wanting crew members to join me on different legs of the journey, relaxed cruising must have a sense of humour and like snorkeling, SUPs and fishing, leaving March from Goldy.
South Carolina to Florida & Bahama
Lovesail member: Yurek
Dates: Jan 2022 to February 2022
Crew Wanted
Location: Beaufort SC
Looking for crew to sail to South Florida and Bahamas. 2022 winter.
Space Coast Hang Out
Lovesail member:Goldenaldi
Dates: September 2021 to December 2021
Hang Out
Location: Titusville to Cocoa Beach
Well I’ve bought my own sailboat ⛵️ and it’s still on the hard, but hopefully it’ll be back in the water third week in September. I’ll be doing some sailing around the area to familiarize myself with the boat, so I’m out on the lookout for seasoned sailors interested in sailing with me, teaching me how to handle rough conditions, getting me ready for passages down south.
Looking to build more experience over the next year. Anywhere in US (West coast preferred).
Lovesail member: jtknox
Dates: Oct 1, 2021 for the next year
Available to Crew
Location: California
I’ve taken up through ASA 104, and now I’m trying to get more miles under my belt before committing to a boat purchase. I travel frequently, so anywhere in California is fine to take off from (especially NorCal). With enough advance notice, I can take off from anywhere in the US. I’m mainly interested in longer, live-aboard trips since my goal is to live-aboard full time. I’m happy to split expenses since this is a learning opportunity for me.
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