Lesser Known Ghost Ships
Two tales of lesser known Ghost Ships
As we creep closer to Halloween, scary stories have been on our mind. For us nothing quite stokes the imagination like a spooky ghost ship!
Also known as phantom ships, these boats are ghostly vessels or ships found adrift on the open sea; their crew often missing or dead. Ghost ships have always been an important part of sailing lore. From the infamous Flying Dutchman to the mystery of the Mary Celeste, they have inspired and terrified us for centuries. This year, the Lovesail team wanted to give you and your crew a couple of new favourites to enjoy on All Hallows Eve.
The Caleuche
A legendary ghost ship in Chilean mythology, the Caleuche is a ghost ship which appears every evening in the archipelago of Chiloe. The ship (which is also called the Barcoiche) is said to recover the spirits of those drowned at sea. Mermaid-esque creatures called Chilota accompany the ship and call on the souls of the dead. The drowned are given a wonderful new life onboard and this is the reason that sightings of the ghost ship have are always accompanied by raucous music and loud laughter.
Other versions of the tale suggest that the crew are also merchants! If a resident of Chiloe has an unexpected windfall, or gets rich quickly, they are rumoured to have dealings with the crew of the Caleuche.
The ghost ship itself is apparently beautiful and covered in bright lights. It is only visible for a few minutes, before it disappears or is submerged by the waves.
The Lady Lovibond
Every 50 years, on 13th February, the Lady Lovibond is said to appear at Goodwin Sands off the coast of Kent. The schooner was reportedly wrecked by a first mate desperately in love with his captain’s new bride.
Despite superstition that it was bad luck to have a woman on board, the couple – Simon and Anetta Reed – were celebrating their marriage with a cruise from Kent to Oporto in Portugal. However, foul fortune followed the pair in the form of John Rivers. Rivers was first-mate on board the Lady Lovibond and had a longstanding fixation with Anetta.
In a fit of jealous rage, Rivers beat the crew-member at the wheel of the ship with a belaying pin. He seized the wheel and violently steered the ship onto Goodwin Sands. Everyone on board was killed.
Two ships allegedly saw the ghost ship on 13th February 1798. 50 years later, the appearance of the ship in 1948 convinced local seamen that a ship had been wrecked at sea. However, crews who tried to help the boat were unable to locate it. Even more recent sightings said that the boat looked real, but gave off an ‘eerie white glow’.
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