Crewing Opportunities October 2021
Here are just a few of the crewing opportunities October 2021 that have been posted on Lovesail. For more details log into your Lovesail account and go to the Crewing and Sailing Events section. If you are not a member of Lovesail yet then take a look at our site. We are the premier dating and social networking site for yachtsmen and yachtswomen.
Beaufort, NC to Charleston- Late October
Lovesail member: Hgilpat
Date: Oct 30, 2021 at 8:00 AM
Crew Wanted
Location: Beaufort, NC to Charleston
I’ll be taking my Caliber 40 LRC from Beaufort, NC to Charleston in late October. It’s a trip of about 200 miles, one overnight. Sans Souci is well equipped, has separate berths and two heads. Full complement of electronics and safety gear is aboard. Message me if you are interested in coming along to share watches. This is a crew posting, not a date posting so anyone is invited to message me.
San Diego to Panama Nov
Date: Nov 2021 to May 2022
Lovesail member: CaptainDan
Crew Wanted
Location: San Diego
I am looking for a crew member to help me coastal cruise my Gemini 105 Catamaran from San Diego to Panama beginning November 1, 2021. Female age 35 to 55 preferred. We will be part of the Baja Haha and Panama Posse rallies.
Female companion Gran Canaria
Lovesail member: Bobby
Date: Oct 21, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Crew Wanted
Location: Puerto Mogan Gran Canaria
I live in Oslo/Norway., semiretired, 71. Have a 42f sailing boat in Puerto Mogan, 45 km south of Las Palmas, in a very nice berth in a beautiful small marina. I have just had the boat in the local yard, new engine and repairs. Very nice live onboard. I want female company, preferably 50-60 yrs. I spend half the time at home in Norway (usually summer). For staying in the marina, and sailing around the Canaries, maybe also to Marocco or Cape Verde. Expenses paid by owner.
Sailing from Jacksonville to Grenada
Lovesail member: Piggybbank
Date: Nov 1, 2021
Crew Wanted
Location: Starting off in Green Cove Springs
If covid restrictions are relaxed I hope to leave Green Cove Springs near Jacksonville and sail to the Bahamas in November/December. I then hope to sail to the DM, then Puerto Rico, BVI’s , St Marten etc ending up in Grenada in late March.
Lovesail is a dating and social networking wholly for sailing enthusiasts. Yachtsmen and women meet up for dating, friendships and crewing opportunities all around the globe. Our friendly sailing community welcomes single sailors from all walks of life. Read some of our testimonials from our members.