Three Easy Bread Recipes
Galley Recipes – Three Easy Bread Recipes
With more time on our hands at the moment and supplies sometimes difficult to get hold of I thought some simple easy bread recipes would be a handy resource to have at your fingertips. Two of the recipes have been recommended by a couple of yacht chef pals.
Soda Bread
First out of the box and recommended by my great friend and Lovesail member Skippetydoodah is Soda Bread. Quick and easy and no messing around with yeast.
Ingredients (Serves 4)
500g plain flour
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp salt
400ml buttermilk or live yoghurt
A dash of milk if necessary
Additional flour for the kneading surface
1 x large mixing bowl
1 x baking sheet/tray
Preparation and Cooking Time
15 minutes of preparation time and 45 minutes of cooking time.
Into a mixing bowl sift the flour and bicarbonate of soda, add the salt and make a well in the middle of the mixture. Pour the buttermilk or yoghurt into this well and bring together to form a sticky dough, milk can be added to help with this. Turn the sticky dough out onto a lightly floured smooth surface. Knead lightly into a ball for around a minute, unlike yeasted bread you are not looking for a shiny finish.
Place the dough on a floured baking tray. You can dust the top with more flour and also mark the top with a cross. Make sure to cut into the dough two-thirds of the way down. Bake in a preheated oven at 200° or gas mark 6 for 40-45 minutes. Tap the bottom of the loaf to test if it is cooked. If it sounds hollow it is ready. Soda bread is best eaten as soon as it is cooked…as if you could wait!
Olive Bread
This bread recipe comes from my good friend Yvonne from Culinary Occasions in Cumbria. Many a galley have we shared, Yvonne cooking, me usually washing up! You will need to plan ahead and have yeast and bread flour for this one.
250g bread flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp salt
½b tsp sugar
1 tbs olive oil
150ml warm water
Rosemary sprig
Extra flour for kneading
Extra olive oil for greasing
1 x large mixing bowl
1 x baking sheet/tray
Preparation and Cooking Time
Preparation is approximately 60 minutes which includes proving time. Cooking time is 10 minutes.
Place the flour, yeast, salt and sugar into the mixing bowl. Tear or chop the olives into the mixture, around 6 to 8 depending on your tastes and mix around. Make a well in the middle of the mixture and add the water and oil. Mix with a fork until sticky then turn out onto a floured surface. Knead the dough until it appears shiny.
Place the dough back into the bowl, cover with a clean tea towel and place someone warm to prove for around 45-60 minutes. When the dough has doubled in size remove from the bowl and divide into 8 small balls. Place on a lined baking tray and brush oil over the top of each roll.
Cook in a preheated oven at 210º or gas mark 8 for 10 minutes.
Third on the list for easy bread recipes has to be flatbread. Quick and easy to make with a small list of ingredients this is an ideal bread to make in a small galley. This versatile bread can be used for wraps, dipping and as a base for homemade pizzas. They can also be flavoured with herbs and garlic for a delicious side to any pasta dish. This recipe is from my own stash.
350g self-raising flour
350g natural yoghurt
1 tsp baking powder
Extra flour for dusting
Preparation and Cooking Time
Altogether it should take 40 minutes.
1 x mixing bowl
1 x skillet/frying pan
Place all 3 ingredients into the bowl and mix with a fork until combined. Flour a smooth work surface and place the sticky dough on the surface to knead. Like the soda bread, you only have to knead for around a minute. Place the dough back into the bowl, cover with a plate and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.
Once the dough has rested place it on the floured work surface and divide it into 6 equal pieces. With your hands roll the pieces into balls and then using a rolling pin roll flat into round shapes about 12cm in diameter and 2mm thick.
With a hot skillet/frying pan lightly greased, cook each round for a few minutes on each side.
One serving option is to make garlic butter whilst the bread is resting. Take around 50g of melted butter, crush two to three cloves of garlic into the butter and add any finely chopped herbs of your choice. Once the flatbread has come out of the pan you can brush it with the garlic butter. Delicious.
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