Galley Recipe – Red Flannel Hash
Galley Recipe – Red Flannel Hash
This galley recipe – Red Flannel Hash originates from New England and the name refers to the red and white plaid cloth that is popular in that part of the world. It was traditionally a breakfast using up the leftovers from the previous evening’s meal and has many variations. The main ingredients are corned beef, potatoes and beetroot, yes beetroot. An unusual addition I hear you cry, but it works surprising well. The potatoes and corned beef will be a cheap staple on any provisioning list and because this is a left-overs recipe then you could add anything that needs using up in the galley. With the added bonus of being quick to make this is one of those one-pot recipes that will be used again and again.
Ingredients (Serves 4)
- 1 x 340g tin of corned beef
- 500g of potatoes (waxy, peeled and diced) can be cooked or not
- 250g cooked beetroot (diced)
- 1 x onion (diced)
- oil for frying
- 4 x eggs optional (some recipes include eggs but this was not a traditional ingredient)
- Any additional leftovers (diced)
- salt and pepper
- Large skillet/frying pan
- hob/gas ring
Preparation and Cooking Time:
20 minutes
- Heat the oil in a skillet and fry the onions until translucent.
- Add the potatoes, beetroot, corned beef and any other ingredients you want to use up, stir round to combine and then cook for a few minutes until turning brown, then turn over to lightly brown the other side.
- If adding eggs these can either be cooked separately or small indentations can be made in the mixture and then the eggs cracked into these indents. Cover and then cook the eggs to individual tastes.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve immediately.
Serving Suggestions
This is great on its own or served with some crusty bread or French baguette.
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