on my way

On My Way

We are always pleased to post blogs from our members and today is one such article. CanadianPirate shares his thoughts on sailing the world.

On My Way

I was born very far from where I am supposed to be… and so I am on my way home – Bob Dylan

And that’s kind of how I feel about this whole thing… The quest to get up and go sailing and see the world. To leave where I am and head to where I am not as though I was born in the wrong place and don’t really fit in and life happens around me flowing for everyone else in an easy stream of events… work and family and recreation… while with me those same events push at me like I’m a rock in the river of time being tumbled along the bottom and coming to rest next to other rocks for a moment and then the river surges and I am off again till I get hung up somewhere else for a while. Over and over this happens. Banging off underwater obstacles and tumbling through rapids in a seemingly never ending cascade of jarring events.

Until now.

Now I seem to find myself in a backwater part of the river…. There’s some eddys and the odd swirl that gives me a nudge… And over there… Near the far bank is this other rock. It’s just entered into this part of the river from another tributary and it looks familiar. Not because I have seen this rock before. But because it has the same scars and markings on it from a similar yet different journey through turbulent waters.

I like this rock. I know this rock and I are going to ride this river together to the sea and we will be pushed by the same force to wind up somewhere else for a time before we move on again. Together in the same river.
There will be more rapids. There will be more banging and bumping. There always seems to be…. But as I get closer to where I know I am supposed to be it all seems to be calming. The bumps aren’t as hard. The banging has almost stopped. Everything seems to be working in my favour recently.
I’ll not tempt the fates by saying it’s over. I don’t think it will ever be over until… Well… It is ALL over…

And while the rapids along the way to where we are now have been some spectacularly rough patches…
I am grateful for all this because it has led me to where I am right here right now which is just in time to encounter this other rock. It feels like I am closer than ever to being home after a long journey traveling to where I am supposed to be.

And I am now very grateful for the company. The company that understands where I have been, the rapids along the way.

I hope each of you is lucky enough to have your own rock to be with you on life’s journey downstream.

May you all get to where you are supposed to be.
~~~Fair Winds and a Following Sea~~~

on my way


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