Chandlery Origins
A Chandler is a dealer who supplies goods and equipment for ships and boats. A Chandlery is a shop or business of a chandler. The chandlery origins are not what you may expect.
Coming from the French word chandelier which means candle holder or someone that produces and supplies candles, a chandlery was originally a shop or business that would make and supply candles. Big houses and castles would have a chandlery to make candles for themselves. Before the invention of electric lights, candles were the only means of light and a good supply of candles would have to be at the ready. Chandlers may have started to supply the townsfolk with much-needed candles and also soap, a by-product of candle making. Shops would have been set up in the towns. Sailing ships would have come into port and needed to restock their candle supplies for the voyage ahead. It was beneficial for the ship’s crew if they did not have to travel into the main town to do this so a chandlery would have an advantage if it was situated by the port. Arrangements were made between the ship and the chandlery to supply these candles at reduced costs if they were the sole supplier. Soon the chandler realised other goods could be stocked which saved the ship’s crew from having to visit lots of different shops to provision their ship. The word chandlery soon became synonymous with supplying goods for ships.
Today chandleries are still situated in harbours, ports and marinas, and used by mariners. A great range of goods can be bought from sailing books to clothing to sunglasses as well as boat parts and sundries for repair. There are now also online chandleries so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to buy a new fender or winch.
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