Alternative Seasickness Remedies
Following on from our article Seasickness Remedies, here are some alternative seasickness remedies if you prefer a more natural approach to your health.
Ginger has long been associated with the relief of nausea. There have been some trials into the effectiveness with the results being inconclusive. The ginger can be taken as supplements, biscuits or tea.
Acupressure Bands
These are made from stretchy material and are worn around the wrists. The bands work on the acupressure points found on the inside of the wrists between the tendons. There is very little evidence that they work, but some people do find relief when using them.
Seasickness Glasses
Now I spotted these (see the picture above) at the London Boat Show one year. The glasses have a fluid-filled surround that is visible to the eye. The fluid recreates the natural horizon, and the eyes then transmit this information which is the same information your actual inner ear is experiencing. It thus removes the sensory conflict which is the source of motion sickness. Personally, I think that you are so worried about looking a twit that your mind is taken away from the sickness!
Blocking One Ear
Now, I can’t remember where I read this but if you are starting to experience seasickness, plug just one of your ears with something. It is very important that you only plug one ear but it can be with an earplug, cotton wool or just tissue. It would seem by blocking one ear, the brain thinks the ears are no longer working properly so ignores the signals from them. Instead, it uses the signals received from the eyes and so this again removes the sensor conflict which causes the sickness. I tested this on a recent trip to Cowes with a few friends, for the end of Cowes Week Firework Display. The weather was not good, to say the least and when we anchored up the boat started to bob and rock. We were down below preparing dinner and two of our crew were beginning to feel less than great. I mentioned this tip and they both stuffed tissue into one of their ears. It seemed to halt their nausea and they were pretty jolly for the duration of our time in the galley. I would definitely give this a go and what is so great is that you can nearly always find something that could plug your ear. Please do use your common sense here and only use soft objects that will not damage the ear canal or get stuck.
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