West Highland Yachting Week
West Highland Yachting Week
The 2014 West Highland Yachting Week takes place between July 26th to August 2nd, and will be held at three different venues – Oban, Craobh, and Tobermory.
Competitors From Around The Globe
The Scottish West Coast’s premier sailing event, the West Highland Yachting Week attracts over a thousand competitors globally. While the event receives media coverage at both local and national level.
There will be a variety of social events at the West Highland Yachting Week, including live music. On the opening weekend, Craobh Marina and the Lord of the Isles will be the host when competitors meet for the apres sail ashore, and this will feature dancing, a fireworks display and some surprises.
The Loch Melfort Race
One race will be the Loch Melfort Race. This will kick off the event’s points series. This decision was influenced by the fact that, because of tidal restrictions, the traditional Round Lismore race won’t be able to take place. The Loch Melfort Race will involve the island of Shuna being circumnavigated twice, and the race begins from Craobh Marina. The wind direction, on the day of the race, will determine whether the course of the race will be in a clockwise or an anti-clockwise direction around the island. The race will finish off the coast of Craobh.
Round The Buoys Race
July 14th is the day of the Craobh to Oban Passage Race, while the Tunnock’s and Argyll event is held on the Tuesday. The longstanding Round the Buoys course will involve the Tunnock’s, with the Firth of Lorn being the venue for the Argylls inshore race.
Tobermory is the destination for the fleet on the Wednesday of West Highland Yachting Week. The following day, the Tunnock’s take part in the Round the Buoys race again, and, on the same day, the Argylls will have another race inshore.
Oban on Friday, July 18th is the destination for the racing yachts. While, later, the Argyllshire Gathering Halls will host a prize giving dance.
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