Alternative Valentines Day Ideas
Alternative Valentines Day Ideas to do with your Valentine.
If you would like to steer clear of the usual flowers, chocolates and dinner on Valentines Day, here are some alternative Valentines Day ideas to try.
If you are a creative person why not paint or draw your Valentine a picture. Maybe of them or someone or something close to them. If you are a budding writer why not pen a romantic poem about them. If cooking is your forte then why not bake a delicious cake or cookies. With just a little time and effort you could give your Valentine a very personal and thoughtful gift they will love.
Take your Valentine to a comedy show. The British Museum has The Gentlemen of Leisure presenting a cultural comedy gallery tour. This award-winning double act The Gentlemen of Leisure present a hilarious, cultural and novel insight into some of the Museum’s most famous objects. There are three performances on Friday 14th February book your tickets through the British Museum website.
Ice Skating! Whether you can skate or not this is a great evening out. Lots of hand-holding and closeness as you skate/fall over! Most towns are within a short driving distance of an ice rink.
For the adventurous Valentine, you could try a couples’ bungee jump. Strap yourself to your loved one and leap off, arm in arm, together. There are a great many bungee locations. Lots of on-line gift companies offer the couples bungee jumping, a quick search on the internet should find one near you.
Try something new. Valentines Day should be a positive memorable experience so how about trying something new together. Try to step outside of your comfort zone and try something neither of you has tried before. You can have a great time bonding over the experience if you enjoy it or not!
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Photo Credit: erin leigh mcconnell via Compfight cc
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