Cowes Week 2013
Cowes Week 2013 – Cowes, Isle of Wight
The Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week 2013 runs from 3rd August until 10th August.
Every 3 years an organisation is chosen to be the official Cowes week charity. For the last 3 years, Aberdeen Asset Management has been supporting Toe in the Water. This is a tri-services initiative which uses competitive sailing to re-inspire service personnel who have been injured during service. The idea is to help the servicemen and women see beyond their injuries, and perform to their limits regardless of their physical condition.
Commenting on the charity’s tenure as an official charity, Tanya Brookfield, Co-founder of the charity, said: “Toe in the Water is hugely proud to be competing again at Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week 2013 and are sad that this will be our third and final year as the official charity partner of the regatta. The support we receive from the sailing community has been pivotal to our success in re-inspiring so many wounded and profoundly injured servicemen and women and we couldn’t have done it without them.”
This year will be Toe in the Waters final year as official Cowes Week charity. They have some exciting plans in place for its final year as an official charity and would like competitors and visitors alike to support them by buying a ticket for the Toe in the Water crew party. The crew party will be held at Cowes Yacht Haven on Saturday 3rd August. Tickets are available now via Toe in the Water or from Cowes Yacht Haven at a cost of just £5 – all proceeds will go directly to the charity.
Cowes Week Limited like to appoint an official charity in order that fundraising activity during the event can be conducted in a focused way. Over time experience and feedback has shown that having a single charity with clear objectives associated with the event is the best way of channelling charitable activity during Cowes Week. If you are a charity or know one that would be interested in becoming involved, please register your interest with Michelle Warner: michelle.warner@aamcowesweek.co.uk. The formal process and the next step will then be shared with all the interested parties from the end of August.
For more information about Cowes Week see our related article Cowes Week Sailing Regatta
Image copyright lovesail.com
Related Articles: Cowes Week 2014; Images of Cowes Week