London to Brighton Bike Ride
Not long until the London to Brighton bike ride
Not a blog that’s sailing related I know, but its heart related! Less than a week away until the British Heart Foundation’s (BHF) London to Brighton bike ride, and I shall be taking part. Myself and two friends will be travelling up to London on Sunday 19th June to start the 54 mile bike ride starting from Clapham Common and finishing on Brighton seafront. We have been training since March starting with 10 mile rides and building up to 20-25 mile rides 3 to 4 times per week, and I think we are ready now! The most difficult part has been finding the time to train. A 25 mile ride will take about 2-2.5 hours so trying to fit that in around work and family life can be tricky. But the effort has been worth it to see sponsorships come in and, of course, not to mention the resulting improvement in health and fitness levels!
Around 27,000 cyclist take part in the London to Brighton challenge each year and in 2009 £4.1million was raised for the BHF. If you would like to know more about the BHF and their work or make a donation, or join in the ride next year.
Wish me luck and fingers crossed for fair weather!
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